Monday, June 1, 2009

March 2009 eNewsletter

Racing News

Get ready racing fans! The Etchells Midwinters is fast approaching! The three day event will begin on Friday, March 27th and ends on Sunday, March 29th. This is one of the biggest racing events for Etchells in San Diego. If you haven't already done so, click
here to sign up.

The race brings some of the top Etchells fleet together. You can expect sailors from Seattle and San Francisco as well as some East coast sailors, who will be chartering some boats for the race.

This event provides a great mixture of some of the most experienced sailors at one regatta. Kasey will be sailing this year with Michael Ewens on haul 291. For more information about the race or to view the current registered sailors for the race, click here.

Cruising News

Glorietta Bay is the perfect weekend get-away. When the weather improves, be sure to take your boat down and anchor. It is one of the most scenic parks on San Diego's Coron
ado island. The park offers playgrounds, picnic tables and beautiful green lawns perfect for the whole family. Glorietta Bay Park also offers a ramp just off the park where jet skis and sailboats can be launched.

Glorietta Bay provides a wide range of leisure activites that include a golf course, ice cream parlor and The Lamps Theater. It's the perfect getaway to relax and enjoy your boat for the weekend.

Customer Job of the Month!

We are proud to announce Michael Ewens as our customer of the month. Michael recently purchased an older Etchells haul #291. He purchased the boat from a seller in Seattle who started to recondition the mast but lost interest. Michael expressed a desire to bring the boat up-to-speed, so we worked with him to make sure his boat was safe to sail.

Michael's Etchells was in relatively good condition but the boat needed to be repainted, a
ll new rigging, and all new running rigging hardware needed to be installed.

Before the boat was painted, we cut and drilled all the necessary holes for mounting the hardware. Miguel Hernandez then painted the top sides and the haul. We decided to go with an appoxy primary for the haul and an LD non-skid for the deck.

The boat did not have any floor boards or a center console, so we glassed in a center console and mounted the floor boards. At that time, we decided to run all the necessary line purchases underneath the floor and throughout the boat.

Michael Ewens has been a great customer. We were extremely excited about this project because it allowed us to start from scratch and make all the fine tune adjustments needed to improve the condition of his boat. We recently finished this project and we are excited that he will soon be racing with this boat in his first real regatta, The Etchells Midwinters. Enjoy your time on the water, Michael, and thank you for your business!

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